Friday, May 1, 2009

BLOOMING LOTUS Review & Giveaway :)))

I am so excited to share this lovely, personable, fun, and so conscience company with you all. 

I'd like you to meet Blooming Lotus.

I am going to copy nearly everything in this review verbatim from the Blooming Lotus site. There's no way I could say it any better - you'll see. 

Want beautiful skin? Drink lots of water and eat delicious, local, organic foods. Get a little sunshine and plenty of exercise. Give freely, love unconditionally, and don’t forget to breathe. The quality of your skin is a direct reflection of your inner health, and all those pricey, promising creams won’t help if you don’t nourish your whole being.

And when you want to treat your body’s largest organ to something yummy, remember this: what you put on it is as important as what you put in it. Your skin is a sponge. It drinks up whatever you offer it. So choose pure plant medicine over petrochemicals, organic love over toxic soup. Choose organic herbs, pure essential oils, and crystal infusions.

Choose Blooming Lotus: all organic, pure positive energy :))

About Love & Soap

Right in the heart of Kansas City’s busy arts district is this quiet little soap company, where prayer and intention are a part of every batch and the products are pure bliss. A 2-year old can often be found playing on the floor, and farmers from the market across the street regularly stop in to say hello. The woman blending essential oils at the sprawling work table is Jen Denslow (oh, and the toddler is her son).

A Note From Jen (who I have a suspicion is a super cool human being)

Running a business means I’m never completely off. Life can be hectic and challenging. Like you, I’m often exhausted and stressed trying to juggle it all. Still, I believe in doing what you love. I manage to find a balance between paying the bills and making time for what’s truly important (trips to the park with my son, dinner at the table with my family, yoga, and warm baths). I am blessed and I give thanks.

Blooming Lotus is a very young company, and this is just the beginning. I have notebooks full of ideas and formulations to offer you. May we manifest peace, health, and balance on this healing journey together. Be well!

in love and light,


Blooming Lotus Values

1.We believe in the power of unconditional love.
2.We believe ecological and economic goals are mutually achievable.
3.We believe in making meaningful contributions to our local, national, and international communities.
4.We believe businesses should use their power to pursue positive social and environmental changes.
5.We believe in educating people and inspiring them to seek wellness, balance, and beauty.
6.We believe in a workplace community that promotes respect and integrity, fosters honest communication, values open minds and hearts, and encourages a spirited sense of play.
7.We believe in respect and empowerment, for ourselves and others.
8.We believe in walking our talk.

What I think

I received the Body Lather in Soulshine and Sore Muscle Soaking Salts. Soulshine is like a yummy mix of orange candy and spicy, warm incense. It gives truth to aromatherapy - it awakens the senses and elevates your mood just sudsing up in the shower. The Sore Muscle Soaking Salts create a relaxing and soothing bath that induces the best night of sleep ever.  

I love that the ingredients are natural, pure and have a healthful purpose. That each component was added thoughtfully and to each batch is added LOVE.

Yummy bath treats for me - I've already explained to the kids that they must ask to use first. This cannot be used in the shaving cream, shampoo & bubble bath potions.


Because of my humor ( you all can thank me later), one lucky reader is getting the hook up! Win the Jet Setter in your choice of scents. I personally love Soulshine and Jen says that's her fav too!


Follow Jen (Blooming Lotus) @ Twitter - cake right? Lets show her some Twitter Love.


* Sign up  for the Blooming Lotus newsletter & be entered for a chance to win a box of BL goodies as well!

*Tell me another Blooming Lotus product that appeals to you and your senses

*Enter the Nounces giveaway

*Enter the Animal School giveaway

*Blog this post & leave the link

Giveaway will end on May 13, at 11:59 pm EST. Winner will be selected using Random .org. I will email the winner & you will have 48 hours to reply back before I draw a new winner . Please remember to leave me your email address if it is not visible on your profile so that I can contact you if you win. Good luck to everyone :)))

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