Friday, June 19, 2009

Girl Talk Thursday @ Mommy Melee - Notice it's Sunday :))

This is my first Girl Talk Thursday post. I am horrible about keeping up with things of this nature. I forgot so many Wordless Wednesdays I threw in the towel. I love the topics @ Girl Talk Thursday and will try to remember to remember. I can't promise, but that only means that either life has carried me away or that my brain is on low function. It's a worth while cause to get girls talking so I hope you all will stop in and see what you have to offer - the more the merrier.

I wanted to take time an write a really fun and well thought post. I wanted to explain how reading @ Mommy Melee gives me courage. Right now I am feeling like an old woman - my shoulders and eyelids are drooping. I am the variety of tired that taking a shower and brushing my teeth sounds like a  lot of work. I would skip it but I don't let dirty feet in my bed. So this is a dry toast kinda post.

My favorite Sex on Film? First is Johnny & Baby - the bedroom scene - Solomon Burke playing - HOT.  I watched Dirty Dancing for the first time as an adult a couple weeks ago - it's a whole different movie when you're not in 8th grade. Sounds vanilla - it's the finest of the flavors.

Then would be the Zion cavern scene from Matrix Reloaded. The throbbing , pulsing sea of bodies that cuts away to some serious lovemaking between Neo & Trinity. It's all good - except the plug in thingys in his back, but you'll have that in Matrix land I guess.

And Finally would be 9 songs. It's British I believe. It was a bit weird when I saw it - I watched it with a friend and her husband. She had no idea it was SO competing with porn and just thought it was a foreign rock-esque movie. I was really uncomfortable watching it with them - if you've seen it you know why. The whole time I kept wishing I was at home with Dominic. I left early, now I have to bring it home to finish it -oh yeah. Only linking you to the trailer.

So here's your bread with no butter. Or maybe this particular subject is all butter no bread. Upon thinking of my favorites, I got kind of tingly and we made our own scene minus the film. Couldn't now if I tried. 

Oh yeah, Mommy Melee writes for seXis so check her out there as well. Also participating in GTT will enter you in a drawing for $25 to buy sex toys or sexy movies or a Hello Kitty Vibrator at Eden Fantasys.

Goodnight - the shower is calling.

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