Monday, March 28, 2011

Cult of Mithras (Culto de Mitra)

Mithras was the sun god in Indian and Persian mythologies. They called it “winner sun”. It represented good and liberation from material things. According to the Persian legend it was born from a rock (petra generatrix) next to a sacred tree and fountain. Its symbol was the bull, which was sacrificed in honor of the deity (tauroctony). It must have been an important worship in Imperial Rome judging from the number of shrines (Mithraea).

Mitra era deus solar nas mitologias da Índia e Pérsia. Chamavam-lhe “Sol vencedor”. Representava o bem e a libertação material. Segundo lenda Persa nasceu de uma rocha (petra generatrix) próximo de árvore e fonte sagradas. O seu símbolo era o touro. Sacrificavam-no em honra da divindade (tauroctonia). Terá sido culto importante na Roma Imperial a avaliar pelo número de santuários (Mithraea).

Unknown-'Mithra bull sacrifice or tauroctony'-roman relief Wien-Kunsthistorisches Museum

Unknown (2th century)-'Mithras killing a sacred bull (tauroctony)'-roman marble relief Paris-Musée du Louvre (Ma 3441)

Unknown (3th century)-'Mithra performing the tauroctony'-roman sculpture Palermo-Museo Archeologico Regionale

Unknown-'tauroctony (inscription Sol invicto deo)'-roman marble relief Città del Vaticano-Museo Pio-Clementino

Unknown-'Mithras ceremony'-lapidarium Mythras stele Sibiu (Romania)-History Museum

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