Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Conquista de Roma pelos Gauleses (390 aC) (conquest of Rome by the Gauls in 390 BC)

Os Gauleses da tribo Senones da costa adriática comandados por Brennus marcharam sobre Roma e conquistaram-na em 390 aC. Atribuem-lhe a frase 'vae victis!' (triste sorte a dos vencidos) quando discutia o quantitativo do saque. A demora nas conversações permitiu a Marcus Furius Camillus recuperar a cidade.
The Gauls tribe Senones the Adriatic coast led by Brennus marched on Rome and conquered it in 390 BC. Assign him the phrase 'vae Victis! " (The sad fate of the losers) when discussing the amount of loot. The delay allowed the talks to Marcus Furius Camillus regain the city.

Unknown-'Manlius Capitulinus save the Capitol'-miniature Glasgow-University Library (Giovanni Boccaccio; Virorum illustrium)

Unknown-'conquest of Rome by the Gauls in 390 BC'-miniature Sanctus Augustinus; De civitate Dei

Paul Lehugeur (18th century)-' Brennus puts his sword in the balance'

Paul Joseph Jamin (1858-1903)-' Brennus and part of the spoils'-oil on canvas-1893 Private collection

Sebastiano Ricci (1659-1734)-'Camille rescuing Rome from Brenus'-ca 1746 Detroit-Institute of Art

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