Thursday, August 5, 2010

Guerra Russo-Turca de 1877-1878 (Russo-Turkish war)

Permite alguma percepção sobre o difícil equilíbrio político dos Balcans entre os blocos religiosos: Ortodoxos (Rússia) e Muçulmano (Turquia). Esta foi uma de várias guerras entre os mesmos contendores. Começa com a revolta na Bósnia e Herzegovina no Verão do ano anterior contra a espoliação pelo Império Otomano. Esta despertou ambição dos vizinhos: Rússia representada pelo Príncipe Alexander Gorchakov e da Áustria-Hungria do conde Andrassy, para anexar territórios. Levou à independência dos Principados da Sérvia, Montenegro e Roménia submetidos aos Otomanos. A Rússia pretendia uma saída para o Mar Mediterrâneo. Começou por afundar os navios Otomanos que circulavam no Danúbio e colocou minas no rio.

Allows some insight into the difficult political balance of the Balkans between the religious block: Orthodox (Russia) and Muslim (Turkey). This was one of several wars between the same adversaries. It begins with the revolt in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the summer of last year against dispossession by the Ottoman Empire. This aroused the ambition of neighbors: Russia represented by Prince Alexander Gorchakov and Austria-Hungary of Count Andrassy, in annexing territories. Led to the independence of the principalities of Serbia, Montenegro and Romania submitted to the Ottomans. Russia wanted an outlet to the Mediterranean Sea. He began by sinking ships circling the Ottomans and placed mines in the Danube river.

Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky (1817-1900)-'capture of the turkish military transport messina by the steamer Russia on the Black Sea on the 13th December of 1877 year'-oil on canvas-1877

Konstantin Yegorovich Makovsky (1839-1915)-'the Bulgarian martyress'-oil on canvas-1877

Nikolai Dmitriev-Orenburgsky (1838-1898)-'Russian crossing the Danube on 15 June 1877'-oil on canvas-1883

Pavel Osipovich Kovalevsky (1843-1903)-'fight near Ivanovo Chiflik on 2nd October 1877'-oil on canvas-1877

Nikolai Dmitriev-Orenburgsky (1838-1898)-'capture of Grivitsa strongpoint near Plevna by Romanians on 30th August 1877 (III battle)'-oil on canvas-1885

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