Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Peixeiros (fishmonger)

Os peixeiros ,conforme á época histórica e a situação geográfica, vendiam peixes de água doce, proveniente de rios e lagos, e de água salgada, apanhados nos mares e oceanos. Escolhiam as peças mais adequadas ao tipo de freguesia da região. Conheciam as inúmeras espécies recebidas dos pescadores. Até muito recentemente estas encontravam-se expostas em fracas condições de higiene, como calor e moscas. Por vezes eram vendidas porta a porta, em estado fresco ou conservadas em sal.

The fishmongers, as will a historical and geographical situation, selling fish fresh water from rivers and lakes, and saltwater, caught in the seas and oceans. Chose the pieces more suitable for the type of clientele of the region. Knew the fishermen received numerous species. Until very recently they were exposed in poor hygiene conditions, like heat and flies. Sometimes they were sold door to door, fresh or preserved in salt.

Bartolomeo Passeroti (1529-1592)-'the fishmonger's shop'-oil on canvas-ca 1520 Roma-Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Antica (Palazzo Barberini)

Jan Ludewick Wouters (1599-1663)-'fishmonger'-oil on copper

Frans Snyders (1579-1657)-'fish stall'-oil on canvas St. Petersburg-Hermitage

Quiringh Gerritzoon van Brekelenkam (ca 1622-1679)-'a fishmonger'-ca 1669 Christie's

Frederick Walker (1840-1875)-'a fishmonger's shop'-watercolour-(1872-1873) Liverpool-National Museums (Lady Lever Art Gallery)

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